Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Bad For Your Brain

Pscyhologists have found that watching too much TV is considered to be "bad for your brain" and it makes someone feel tired and depressed. It feels like that it relaxes someone but it actually tires and agitates your brain. Many brain scans show that the TV inhabits someone's thinking brain. Within the thirty to forty five seconds of the start of a person watching TV, the critical part of the brain shuts down leaving us less "the normal human."

Like a magic genie, TV hypnotizes for its own ends. A person watching too much TV makes them fat, lazy, and uninteresting. When being asked about their personal lives, there is little or nothing to report and no stories to tell unless it's about the TV shows they watch. Nothing new or exciting will happen to someone since they watch so much TV. It's like being isolated.

The TV makes a person have low self-esteem and their brain cells can be killed. Because of the TV, people are simple-minded.


bella said...

i agree with you on this one! i believe that much of peoples thought are being control with tv. so much of what we talk about today relates to tv and gossip magazines. whats wrong with us? do you think that what we think is really our own thought? or is the tv or what we hear and see everyday really speaking for us?this is a crazy topic, and i cant wait to read more about it.

recycledlove27 said...

I do agree with you, people need to get their eyes off the tube. However, what about those stubborn teenagers (lik me) who aren't too crazy about having so much family time? I think you should think of some alternatives other than family time.

Heather AppleJove Jun said...

I did not know that tv can make you depressed. Tv has so many negative influences on a person. But, is there some way to solve this? Like the title of your blog, we are addicted to it, and it's really hard to get rid of them. I mean, look at supermarket now. Each cashier has a tv. Don't you find this crazy? We just can't stand still in line unless we are constantly entertained... sad...

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