Sunday, May 25, 2008

Television And Couch Potatoes

The term "couch potato" is refered to someone who spends most of his or her free time sitting or lying on a couch. The stereotype refers to an overweight person who spends a lot of time watching TV. Since so many people are watching TV these days, they are considered couch potatoes.

Researchers found that a couch potato lifestyle can be a serious health hazard. Being a couch potato in someone's free time can make them a decade older biologically than someone who is active physically. People who don't exercise during their spare time have shorter telomeres compared to active people. This previously showed that obesity may shorten telomere to approximately 10 years.

Being a couch potato can also increase the risk of heart disease. Some of the factors to heart diseases are watching TV and knowing every show from morning to night, eating high cholesterol foods, and increasing obesity.

These days, half of the children walk to school and so many children stop playing sports because they want to be couch potatoes and watch TV.

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