Friday, May 16, 2008

Television And Violence

For decades, scientists have studied the effects of TV but mainly focusing on watching if violence on TV connects with real life violence. In the present, much of today's TV programming is violent. Viewing of TV violence by children causes aggressiveness. In fact, a single TV program being watched may increase aggressiveness. There are three major effects on children seeing violence on TV which are:

-They may become less sensitive to pain or suffering of others.

-They may be more fearful of the world around them.

-They may be more likely to behave in aggressive ways.

An interesting fact is that the average American child will have watched over 100,000 acts of violence on TV by the time he/she is 13 years old. Parents are often working and children have a lot of unsupervised time. Researchers have found that children's TV shows have approximately 20 violent acts per hour. They found many differences between children who watch violent shows and children who watch non-violent shows. The children who watch violent shows argue or disobey and are considered less willing to wait for things than the ones who watch the non-violent shows.
Researchers have looked at the children's behaviors in areas before and after the introduction of TV. In the 1970s, they compared aggression levels in first and second graders, one with access to TV and one with no TV access because of a mountain range. When the mountain town received TV, the viewing increased by approximately 160%.

1 comment:

sramirez93 said...

Violent shows can be a big impact on small children.
I have a cousin who is only 3 years old and LOVES Power Rangers.
Now that he is really into it, he wants his mom to buy him all the weapons from the show so he can "play" with his friends. When I go visit him, he is ready to play with his toys, only that his goal is to "kill" the bad guy. And having him being only 3 years old, I dont really think it is ok for him to be wanting to "kill"
and other violence, the way the characters life in the show can also affect them. One day out of nowhere he started to say " I want to hit myself again". That took me by surprise beacause I don't know where he could have gotten that idea.

well anyway, nice job. I really like this subject